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Best Advice Quotes

I never help my kids and I never encourage them and I never give them any advice.
Stellan Skarsgard

I remember Tyra Banks giving me encouraging advice during my first Victoria’s Secret commercial shoot. I was so nervous, and she told me to just relax and be confident – that made me feel very comfortable.
Adriana Lima

I seek out a lot of advice from other CEOs.
Mark Pincus

I still take advice from my mum on what clothes look good on me. I used to listen to her a lot more, but I’ve started to choose my own things from time to time.
Rafael Nadal

I think the advice, regardless of gender, is always be open to conversations with people who do things differently than you do. If you’re starting to work in tech, talk to the artists, talk to the lawyers, talk to the people who are interested in other things.
Beth Simone Noveck

I think there has to be greater heed paid by the Security Council members to military advice.
Alex Morrison

I treat people who write me the way my friends and I all treat each other when we go to each other for advice, which is sometimes with supreme cruelty.
Dan Savage

I would hate to think my songs were giving advice to people.
Nick Cave

I would never give anybody any advice about anything.
Clive Owen

I’m often asked how I write books, but I don’t think my approach is suitable for everyone. If I walked into a creative writing class, all I could say to them was ‘I tend to make it up as I go along.’ I’m not sure that’s brilliant advice.
Ian Rankin

I’m reasonably headstrong about what I believe in, and what I go for, and I’ve got fantastic people around me who give me great support and advice.
Prince William

I’m very wary about giving advice. I think it’s very dangerous to give advice to people, except if you know them very well.
Omar Sharif

I’ve been homeschooling for eight years and have always received the best advice and encouragement from other homeschoolers, rather than a book or lecture.
Lisa Whelchel

I’ve had lots of good advice.
Ann Richards

I’ve never directed anything before ‘Mad Men,’ so I don’t feel I have any advice for the other directors.
John Slattery

I’ve received many good pieces of advice throughout my life.
Irene Rosenfeld

If I do a scene with an actor who doesn’t have much experience, I say, ‘I tell you what we’re going to do: You just listen to me, and then you respond. We don’t have to do any acting.’ And that’s good advice because you shouldn’t see the acting.
Jon Voight

If I’m going for advice for anything in my life, I go straight to my father because he has the answers.
Jessica Simpson

If I’m in a slump, I ask myself for advice.
Ichiro Suzuki

In the modern world, those who are weak will get unambiguous advice from foreign visitors which way to go and what policy course to pursue.
Vladimir Putin

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