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Famous Quotes

A friend at school was always being laughed at because his father emptied dustbins for a living. But those who laughed worshipped famous footballers. This is an example of our topsy-turvy view of 'success.' Who would we miss most if they did not work for a month, the footballer or the garbage collector?
David Icke

Actually, bizarrely, in America, I get more appreciation from the odd, unusual stuff I've done, almost because I'm not, if you like, famous in America as I am in England.
Steve Coogan

Among famous traitors of history one might mention the weather.
Ilka Chase

And to me, fame is not a positive thing. The idea of being famous is a lot better than the reality. It's fantastic when you go to premieres and people cheer you, but it's not real. And it's totally not my approach to get my name on a club door just because I can.
Tom Felton

Andy Warhol made fame more famous.
Fran Lebowitz

Bill Cosby is a famous black guy who has a bully pulpit the size of the world; it's global. He puts his colossal foot on the vulnerable necks of poor people, and as a result of that, we don't have a balanced conversation.
Michael Eric Dyson

Bruce Lee was very famous. I watched his movies and he is amazing. He is a martial arts master, his philosophy, his movement, both physically and mentally, were very strong.
Jet Li

Celebrity, to me, is not a thing to seek.
Aidan Quinn

Computers are famous for being able to do complicated things starting from simple programs.
Seth Lloyd

Famous, adj.: Conspicuously miserable.
Ambrose Bierce

For a time, at least, I was the most famous person in the entire world.
Jesse Owens

For famous men have the whole earth as their memorial.

Forget about being world famous, it's hard enough just getting the automatic doors at the supermarket to acknowledge our existence.
Douglas Coupland

How many famous and high-spirited heroes have lived a day too long?
Jean-Jacques Rousseau

I always want to say to people who want to be rich and famous: 'try being rich first'. See if that doesn't cover most of it. There's not much downside to being rich, other than paying taxes and having your relatives ask you for money. But when you become famous, you end up with a 24-hour job.
Bill Murray

I am the most well-adjusted human being I know. I started out this investigation as a very happy man with a great career. I've got the life people dream about: I am rich, I am famous, I've got a fabulous marriage to an absolutely, spell-bindingly brilliant woman.
James Ellroy

I can't see any value in being a celebrity, famous for being famous.
Noomi Rapace

I don't think I'll ever feel as famous or as popular as I felt when I was a 17-year-old soccer player in Modle. Only about 20,000 people live there and 12,000 of them come to every game. Running onto the pitch each week was just the most fantastic feeling. Nothing can beat that.
Jo Nesbo

I find it weird the way people get so excited about celebrity. If my friends are on the phone, their friends will say: 'Is that kid from 'Love Actually' there?' And the phone gets passed round and I have to speak to this stranger asking: 'Are you famous?' I don't know how to answer.
Thomas Sangster

I have no use for people who throw their weight around as celebrities, or for those who fawn over you just because you are famous.
Walt Disney

I just want to make music, I don't want people to talk about me. All I've ever wanted to do was sing. I don't want to be a celebrity. I don't want to be in people's faces, you know, constantly on covers of magazine that I haven't even known I'm on.

I know I'm not supposed to have any opinions about politics, because I'm famous.

I like being famous when it's convenient for me and completely anonymous when it's not.
Catherine Deneuve

I never wanted to be famous. I only wanted to be great.
Ray Charles

I pretended to be somebody I wanted to be until finally I became that person. Or he became me.
Cary Grant

I think basically becoming famous has taken the place of going to Heaven in modern society, hasn't it? That's the place where your dreams will come true. It's an act of faith now; they think that's going to sort things out.
Jarvis Cocker

I think it's useful, as a famous person, to have as little separation between the perception of you and how you really are - because otherwise I'd be sitting here thinking I'm keeping secrets, and wondering when you're going to find out.
Daniel Radcliffe

I think that when you are famous every weakness is exaggerated.
Marilyn Monroe

I try to become more humble and more myself with every year. There was a while when I got famous where I was so confused and my head was spinning.
Mira Sorvino

I wanted to be successful, not famous.
George Harrison

I wanted to have money; I wanted to be special; I wanted people to like me; I wanted to be famous.
Ellen DeGeneres

I will either be famous or infamous.
Otto Dix

I would find the idea of compiling a set-list that doesn't wildly excite me to be too restricting. The fire in the belly is essential, otherwise you become Michael Buble - famous and meaningless.
Steven Morrissey

I'd be lying if I said Hollywood wasn't still an ambition; it's everyone's, isn't it? You're getting paid very well, you're working with great actors and great directors - who wouldn't want to be a part of that? But it's not going to break my heart if it doesn't happen. This business is about doing good work rather than how famous it makes you.
Max Beesley

I'd rather be able to face myself in the bathroom mirror than be rich and famous.
Ani DiFranco

If people just want to be famous, that's just not enough to get you up at 4 in the morning to go to work. You have to love what you're doing.
Zooey Deschanel

If there's anything more mortifying than being famous at 14, it's being washed up right after.
Moon Unit Zappa

If you are a leader, you should never forget that everyone needs encouragement. And everyone who receives it - young or old, successful or less-than-successful, unknown or famous - is changed by it.
John C. Maxwell

If you want to be a rock star or just be famous, then run down the street naked, you'll make the news or something. But if you want music to be your livelihood, then play, play, play and play! And eventually you'll get to where you want to be.
Eddie Van Halen

I'm not comfortable being around too many people. I don't like being out in public too much. I don't like going to bars. I don't like doing celebrity stuff. So most of the characters I play are people who don't always feel comfortable beyond their small circle of friends.
Adam Sandler

In the future, everyone will be famous for 15 minutes.
Andy Warhol

It isn't necessary to be rich and famous to be happy. It's only necessary to be rich.
Alan Alda

It's my observation that gardeners and gardening for a very long time have had to take a back seat. Architects are very famous; they've got huge projects. What goes on in and around them has been relegated to a very minor role.
Robert Irwin

It's really easy to avoid the tabloids. You just live your life and don't hang out with famous people who are in the tabloids. Don't do anything controversial and be a normal person. Have friends. And get a job and keep working.
Amanda Seyfried

I've always strived to be successful, not famous.
Taylor Swift

Kids will keep it real. If I've ever had in my life a great anchor, it's them. They get in your head, 'don't get too famous.' If you think you're really famous and think you're really hip, go hang out with your kids for an afternoon. That's about as earthbound as it's going to get.
Lionel Richie

Lance Armstrong, the famous cyclist and more importantly, cancer survivor, has said 'if you ever get a second chance for something, you've got to go all the way.'
Michael N. Castle

Martyrdom is the only way a man can become famous without ability.
Arthur Schopenhauer

Maya Angelou, the famous African American poet, historian, and civil rights activist who is hailed be many as one of the great voices of contemporary literature, believes a struggle only makes a person stronger.
Michael N. Castle

Mum loves me being famous! She is so excited and proud, as she had me so young and couldn't support me, so I am living her dream, it's sweeter for both of us. It's her 40th birthday soon and I'm going to buy her 40 presents.

My dad's always been a famous actor, so I've grown up with that, and with the lifestyle. In a way, I think I thrive on the insecurity that comes with it. Not in my private life - I like to believe that my friendships and my relationships are strong.
Alice Eve

My favorite thing about being famous... it's not really as big of a deal as everybody says it is. Being on the road is tough, doing interviews, and all the stuff. It's still pretty tough.
Aaron Carter

My hair was famous before I was.
Christopher Walken

Nothing in life prepares you to be famous.
Jeff Foxworthy

One thing about being famous is the people around you, you pay all their bills so they very rarely disagree with you because they want you to pick up the check.
Charles Barkley

One thing I think celebrities shy away from is exposing the reality that we're all the same. Somebody's not more important because they have a Bentley or a big house or a famous boyfriend or plastic surgery - we're all the same.
Aubrey O'Day

People like consistency. Whether it's a store or a restaurant, they want to come in and see what you are famous for.
Millard Drexler

Pleasure without God, without the sacred boundaries, will actually leave you emptier than before. And this is biblical truth, this is experiential truth. The loneliest people in the world are amongst the wealthiest and most famous who found no boundaries within which to live. That is a fact I've seen again and again.
Ravi Zacharias

Some of the most famous books are the least worth reading. Their fame was due to their having done something that needed to be doing in their day. The work is done and the virtue of the book has expired.

Sometimes being famous gets in the way of doing what you want to do.
Johnny Mathis

That's the most terrible thing about being an author - standing there at your mother's funeral, but you don't switch the author off. So your own innermost thoughts are grist for the mill. Who was it said - one of the famous lady novelists - 'unhappy is the family that contains an author'?
Terry Pratchett

The cool thing about being famous is traveling. I have always wanted to travel across seas, like to Canada and stuff.
Britney Spears

The hardest thing about being famous is that people are always nice to you. You're in a conversation and everybody's agreeing with what you're saying - even if you say something totally crazy. You need people who can tell you what you don't want to hear.
Al Pacino

The worst thing about being famous is the invasion of your privacy.
Justin Timberlake

There is no fulfillment in things whatsoever. And I think one of the reasons that depression reigns supreme amongst the rich and famous is some of them thought that maybe those things would bring them happiness. But what, in fact, does is having a cause, having a passion. And that's really what gives life's true meaning.
Benjamin Carson

Tom Cruise, he's a lot more famous than me.
David Beckham

We all want to be famous people, and the moment we want to be something we are no longer free.
Jiddu Krishnamurti

What a heavy burden is a name that has become too famous.

When I was going for my graduate degree, I decided I was going to make a feature film as my thesis. That's what I was famous for-that I had my thesis film be a feature film, which was 'You're a Big Boy Now.'
Francis Ford Coppola

When I was growing up, I thought I'd be a lot happier if I was famous and successful and if I had money.
Russell Brand

When I'm living in the world of luxury and celebrity, which is where I found myself for a large part of my life, it's a walk-on part. Not a vital necessity, like it is for so many people. I enjoy it but I can see right through it!
Agnetha Faltskog

When Oscar Niemeyer died on December 5, 2012, ten days before his 105th birthday, he was universally regarded as the very last of the twentieth century's major architectural masters, an astonishing survivor whose most famous accomplishment, Brasilia, was the climactic episode of utopian High Modern urbanism.
Martin Filler

You don't become a chef to become famous.
Eric Ripert

You want a hero in the music world? James Brown. He brought a feeling to music without really using words. He's just famous for his sound.
David Lee Roth

You're not famous until my mother has heard of you.
Jay Leno

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