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Great Advice Quotes

My biggest advice for girls – and this is something that I wish I could have known when I was younger – is to have thick skin. It’s something that you definitely develop when you get older, but when I first started, I was so obsessed with pleasing everybody. I wanted everybody to like me and to like my songs.
Kate Voegele

My concept of an advice giver had been a therapist or a know-it-all, and then I realized nobody listens to the know-it-alls. You turn to the people you know, the friend who has been in the thick of it or messed up – and I’m that person for sure.
Cheryl Strayed

My Department has already recognised this and has been working specifically on the technical support issue since January and will offer advice to schools during the Autumn term.
Estelle Morris

My firm belief is that people who aspire to public service should have the best advice up front, as they decide whether to run and the people decide whether to support them.
Christine Pelosi

My first book was published without any editorial advice. Nobody said, ‘You might do this or that,’ or ‘Why don’t we see more of this.’ I merely took the book and published it.
James Salter

My first ten years in Hollywood were really tough. I’d be coaching friends who came to me for acting advice, and then they’d make it before I did. I’d still be helping them while they were on movie sets and I had four lines on a TV show.
Michael Pena

My job is to give the president and secretary of defense military advice before they know they need it.
John W. Vessey, Jr.

My mum’s advice is never to whine to my friends, so they never see the other side of me. I save all my problems for my mother.
Chloe Sevigny

My own perception of that is somewhat colored by where people ask my advice, which is still, of course, about changes to Python internals or at least standard libraries.
Guido van Rossum

Never feel that a piece of criticism or advice is too much trouble to give, or that it exceeds your province.
Lord Mountbatten

Never give advice in a crowd.
Pope Paul VI

Never give anyone the advice to buy or sell shares, because the most benevolent price of advice can turn out badly.
Francois de La Rochefoucauld

No enemy is worse than bad advice.

No one’s ever really given me any style advice. I wear what I want, and it doesn’t matter what other people think.
David Beckham

Now that it’s officially summer, here’s my advice to parents who want to continue teaching their kids during the next two months and learn something themselves: visit Civil War battlefields.
Marvin Olasky

Once I was in a cafe in Portland and the woman at the next table and I began chatting and in the course of our conversation she strongly recommend I visit this web site called ‘The Rumpus’ so I could read this advice column called ‘Dear Sugar.’ It was so painful not to tell her that in fact I was Sugar, but I didn’t.
Cheryl Strayed

One of my biggest flaws is I don’t take advice.
Gary Vaynerchuk

One of the advantages of being a captain is being able to ask for advice without necessarily having to take it.
William Shatner

People do ask me for advice for some reason. And I’ll just kind of pose it back to them and let them answer on their own. I never like to give my advice ’cause I don’t want them to come back and ‘You were wrong! You ruined my life!’ so it’s more about ‘Hey, this is what you just told me. What does that sound like to you?’
Craig Robinson

People wanted more advice. So I finally thought I could totally put this advice into a book.
Kevin Smith

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