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Advice Saying and Quotes All Times

The president and I sat down in the Oval Office, and he expressed very clearly that what he wants from me is my best professional military advice.
David Petraeus

The reason people need advice on using social media is that they’re a much more complex and nuanced way to communicate than a conversation or email.
Alexis Ohanian

The wisest advice I ever received regarding the kitchen came from my mother: ‘Do the dishes while you’re cooking.’
Lela Rose

The worst piece of advice I’ve gotten in my whole career is from somebody who said, ‘Remember, it’s all about likeability.’
Clive Owen

There is nothing more hateful than bad advice.

This character in the film, these things that he says which sound like advice and wise things, they are very common for Orientals. It’s all the tradition.
Omar Sharif

Unless a president can protect the privacy of the advice he gets, he cannot get the advice he needs.
Richard M. Nixon

We give advice by the bucket, but take it by the grain.
Tom Stoppard

We hate those who will not take our advice, and despise them who do.
David Sarnoff

What the poor, the weak, and the inarticulate desperately require is power, organization, and a sense of identity and purpose, not rarefied advice of political scientists.
Paul Wellstone

When I do a cooking class now, I tell people that the most important part is to read the recipe many times so you know what you’re doing. What I don’t tell them, though, is that sometimes I do parties where I’m rushing so much I don’t have time to follow my own advice.
Wolfgang Puck

When I read commentary about suggestions for where C should go, I often think back and give thanks that it wasn’t developed under the advice of a worldwide crowd.
Dennis Ritchie

When I was a kid, I got really great advice from someone who is so important to me and someone who I respect so much, and they told me, ‘Don’t do too many endorsements. Don’t throw your name on things; think of your longevity.’
Drew Barrymore

When I was a prosecutor in San Francisco I would get advice on trying cases from public defenders and defense attorneys.
Christine Pelosi

When you’re singing, you’re using extra muscles, and it requires a lot of exercise and breathing. You can’t do that if you’re a sissy. If I have any fitness advice for people, I’d tell them to sing more. It’s good therapy, too.
Willie Nelson

Why should we take advice on sex from the pope? If he knows anything about it, he shouldn’t!
George Bernard Shaw

Women don’t like advice. They don’t want you to fix their problems, they just want you to listen.
Shawn Wayans

Writers and artists never pay attention to advice given by their elders, quite rightly. The only worthwhile advice is the most general: ‘Keep trying, don’t give up, don’t be discouraged, don’t pay attention to detractors.’ Everyone knows this.
Joyce Carol Oates

You know how advice is. You only want it if it agrees with what you wanted to do anyway.
John Steinbeck

Young people are often asked, ‘What do you want to be when you grow up?’ and given advice about how to lead meaningful adult lives, but where’s the encouragement to lead meaningful lives right now?
Adora Svitak

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